


这是美国民主的标志之一:在就职日,离开总统注意人民的意志,并将钥匙递给继任者。从一个管理到下一个声音的过渡简单,甚至是仪式。But in 2009, as President George W. Bush briefed President-elect Barack Obama about the ongoing wars and plummeting economy he’d soon inherit, the Bush team revealed that they were grappling with a late-breaking threat to the presidency: U.S. intelligence sources believed that a terror group with links to Al Qaeda planned to attack the National Mall during the inaugural festivities. Although this violence never materialized, its possibility made it clear that well-laid contingency plans were essential.

政治科学家Martha Joynt Kumar在采访了她的最新书籍的高级布什和奥巴马顾问时揭开了这一秘密危险。在在誓言之前,Kumar文件是如何两个总统队 - 一个外向,另一个进入必须伪造信任联盟,以帮助新总统在他或她的第一任期内取得成功。

Kumar享有前所未有的候选人和候选过渡团队成员,她将深入的奖学金与一对一的采访结合在一起,让读者正直落后于幕后。使用灌木丛 - 奥巴马切换作为检查总统过渡过程的镜头,Kumar将以前的主管部门交织在一起,以较近的验证为Truman-eisenhower。Her subjects describe in vivid detail the challenges of sowing campaign ideals across a sprawling executive branch as Congress, the media, and external events press in. Kumar’s lively account of lessons learned and pitfalls encountered during past presidential transitions provides an essential road map for presidential aspirants and their advisers, as well as campaign workers, federal employees, and political appointees.

Martha Joynt Kumar.是Towson大学的政治学教授。她是作者管理总统的信息:白宫通信操作,美国政治科学协会2008年理查德E. Neustadt最佳书籍奖的获奖者以及同志描绘总统:白宫和新闻媒体。