
VisitModernism/modernityat Johns Hopkins University Press


Modernism/modernity, a scholarly journal devoted to the interdisciplinary study of modernism, is the official publication of the Modernist Studies Association.M/mis published by theJournals Divisionof theJohns Hopkins University Press。MSA自动接收四fr的成员ee issues of the journal (published in January, April, September, and November) and have free accessonline through Project MUSE。The open access Print Plus platform ( features additional content, including innovative peer-reviewed formats; the two platforms together comprise the journal, which is indexed in the MLA bibliography. Although we welcome contributions specifically geared to the digital platform, articles are considered for the journal as a whole, and are scheduled based on editorial needs and at the discretion of the editors.

Modernism/modernity’s editors are elected to a five-year term by the MSA board. The current editors are:

Christopher Bush, Northwestern University (2016-2021)
Anne Fernald, Fordham University (2019-2023)

Submission Procedure and Manuscript Format

Modernism/modernityhas a centralized submission system, utilizing the ScholarOne web-based portal. Contributors to the journal and its Print Plus platform must submit manuscripts electronically using this system, which may be accessed byclicking here。The progress of articles through editorial processing can be tracked through the ScholarOne system.

Articles should be 7,000-11,000 words, inclusive of notes. Please double-space manuscripts throughout, with one-inch margins and endnotes. Style and format should be consistent withThe Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed. or above. Before uploading, please ensure that all submissions are entirely anonymous. This means deleting any identifying information within the text of your submission. It also means deleting any identifying metadata within the document itself. If you feel your contribution is particularly suited to the Print Plus platform, please indicate this in your cover letter.

It is the author's sole responsibility to obtain permissions for illustrations, as well as any copyright clearances required for the publication of a submission. A black-and-white glossy print or a 300 dpi TIFF file of each illustration will be needed by the time of publication. Captions should be written in a separate document, with appropriate credits and permissions. The Print Plus platform can accommodate additional media, and the editors encourage their inclusion.

All correspondence regarding book reviews should be directed to Anwita Ghosh

For all other correspondence contactmodernism.modernity@gmail.comor:

c/o Prof. Christopher Bush
Northwestern University
Crowe Hall
1860 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208